Wednesday, February 08, 2006

For you nosey people who want all the details...

For those of you who thought I forgot all about my lover's birthday and left him all by himself at night (he's cute isn't he) ...
You're truly wrong. Even though I was a short 8 hours away I left him lots of mushy notes to open and even a present. Everything was hidden and went ALMOST according to plan... except for the fact that his phone didn't get my text messages at midnight on his birthday like it was supposed to. I had to call him several times and finally I got through later in the morning around 9am. Unfortunately, I had to tell him personally where the first hidden surprise was. (And then he thought he could just get off the hook easy by just asking me where the next thing was. NO WAY!). He had to play fair since I took the time to put it all in place. I wasn't going to let his cell phone mess up get in the way. For once it wasn't my phone. Oh and BY THE WAY, I did get a new phone on Monday. You can now get ahold of me problem free. It was about time they say my two year contract is up and give me a free phone.

Other than that... I'm looking forward to moving south! This weather is ridiculous!

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