Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Three Things That Scare Me:
A Sudden death in my family
The sound of broken glass (especially in the night)
Needles for drawing blood, shots, etc.

Three People Who Make Me Laugh:
My bro Bryan
My husband
My nephew Samuel

Three Things I Love:
Airplanes (taking off and landing) & Airports (I'd work at CLE if I could)
Pictures and Scrapbooking
My house being clean

Three Things I Hate:
Cleaning up other people's messes
Rude people

Three Things I Don't Understand:
Why I'm still in school
Why people who don't have hope from salvation even have a reason to live
Why bother having daylight savings time or marking the dates when spring/winter officially starts (it's not like the weather and sun and moon actually are going to answer to the government)

Three Things On My Desk:
My laptop
Piles of papers and books
My purse

Three Things I'm Doing Right Now:
Watching American Idol
Surfing the net... duh

Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
Take a trip to Australia
Tour the Holy Lands
Make sure my family understands the Gospel (and hopefully they'll all be saved but that is out of my control)

Three Things I Can Do:
Write (from where I work... I don't take that for granted anymore)

Three Things I Can't Do:
Knit (I've even learned how but I've forgotten
Have a garden (some day maybe when we have our own land)
Calm down and not freak out when I lose things

Three Things I Think You Should Listen To:
Toby Mac
Michael W Smith
Steven Curtis Chapman

Three Things You Should Never Listen To:
Profane lyrics

Three Things I'd Like To Learn:
How to sightread better on the piano
How to not have stagefrieght (in other words to think clearly when on the spot)

Three Favorite Foods:
Pizza (Donatos & Hungry Howies)
Olive Garden's salad
Chicken tortilla soup at Chilis

Three Shows I Watched As A Kid:
Full House
Growing Pains

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