Sunday, November 19, 2006

Who is above or beyond being hurt?

Many of our struggles spring from a belief that adults- especially Christian adults- should be "beyond" or "above" being hurt. For example, "If I were really a strong Christian, this wouldn't hurt so much. I just wish I could trust God more." Or another, "this shouldn't bother me theme" such as "my folks always told me I was too sensitive", or "my pastor keeps encouraging me to have more faith." But the basic refrain remains: "I should be able to take anything no matter how cruel and crushing, without feeling any distress. No matter how traumatic the event, I should not let it hurt me." Unseen wounds! Where do intelligent adults get the idea that any human being ought to be able to take everything without feeling anything? Just because you make a mistake doesn't mean you are a mistake. Don't be bound with this shame. But don't be fooled that you are above hurt. Even God himself experienced the deepest hurt as His One and only Son was upon the cross.

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